Bloom Where You’re Planted

My recent cross-stitch time has been focused on Bloom Where You’re Planted, a pattern from It’s Sew Emma. I finished the center panel several weeks back, and I stitched enough of the yellow honeycomb border to be able to line up the flower in the bottom corner of the right-hand panel. Looks good so far!

Pattern: Bloom Where You’re Planted
Publisher: It’s So Emma
Fabric: White 14-count Aida cloth from Wichelt
Floss: Called-for DMC colors

Calico Corn and Peas by Lori Holt

This is the start of the Calico Corn and Peas block. It’s a picture block, not the traditional patchwork block called Corn and Peas.

As I said the other day, the yellows form a passable estimation of a corn cob. Still have the husk and some corners to add.

This will be part of the Garden quilt, and it goes with the Calico Pumpkin, Calico Squashes, and Calico Peppers blocks that I’ve finished previously.

Fabrics: Calico collection by Lori Holt
Pattern: Calico Corn and Peas by Lori Holt